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PROJECT: We will operate in the area around the ruins of the original oldest village known as Camerata Vecchia (Ancient Camerata). The village was destroyed by a fire in 1859, and then an upper town was built 1200 meters up. The ruins lie in a significant archaeological site, placed in a breathtaking landscape rich of original flora and fauna. The Volunteers will work on the tracks that lead to the ruins, particularly messed by weeds. Last year we carried on a very good job, that needs to be continued in order to facilitate the visit of the ruins. it is a very important project, positively considered by our people and by those who love nature and history.
WORK: The volunteers will be engaged in cleaning and maintening the steep paths that lead to the ruins of the original village (Camerata Vecchia) giving the opportunity to visit this oldest archeological site.
LOCATION: Camerata Nuova (New Camerata) is a small town in the province of Rome, situated in the Park of Simbruini Mountains, about 70 km East of Rome. The ancient ruins of Camerata are on top of the area.
ACCOMMODATION: in the junior school of the new town
LANGUAGE: English will be the official language in the camp.
TERMINAL: Ciampino and Fiumicino airport
SPECIAL REMARKS: The volunteers will work in mountain paths, and must be equipped and trained to face challenging conditions (mountain weather, steep tracks).
Email: Workcamp@Cameratavecchia.i
Tel: +3907741906040
Fax: +3907741901021
Skype: ProCamorata
Facebook event: http://www.facebook.com/events/378183415543952/
Ultimo aggiornamento (Mercoledì 08 Agosto 2012 06:23)
La Quercia che Ride (LA STRUTTURA E' CHIUSA DAL 2020 e non è prevista apertura)
Monti Simbruini - Camerata Nuova - laquerciacheride@ippoagri.it.
La Quercia che Ride by Nardi